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An informative selection of material providing instruction to readers on proper tree care techniques, community events, and a range of topics pertaining to the tree care industry.

Fall Leaves: Tips, Tricks, and Tools


Raking your leaves is such a simple chore, but it often gets put aside for other more appealing activities, leaving you with a huge fall colored

Autumn Colors in the Bay Area


Fall is one of those seasons in the Bay Area that lasts a lot longer than most places. We are blessed not only with an

Tree Trimming: Why It Is Important

You see those branches out there? Yep, those ones. The one’s hanging out over the road. It’s called trimming and it’s more important than you think! We’ve all been there. You’re traveling or just too

Recognizing Tree Disease


When we plan and plant our landscaping we envision tall stately trees that provide shade for lounging under during the summer, and a stunning view of

Tree Care in Drought Country


Water conservation has come to play a large part in our everyday vocabulary here in Northern California. Lawns are being replaced by beauty bark and

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